
How Do I Upload Screenshots to My Steam

Gamers dearest to take screenshots (single or series of screenshots) during the gameplay either to share their success, something interesting to share, to report a bug, or but to salvage a game retentivity. Steam, one of the leading gaming platforms, has given its users the ability to have screenshots during gameplay by but pressing a hotkey (for Windows the default primal is F12 or Fn + F12, for Mac, it is F5) and a notification is shown on the screen that the screenshot is saved.

Screenshot Saved in the Steam Customer

At the stop of the gameplay, the player is served with the screenshots taken during the gameplay (in form of a post-game summary).

Post Game Summary of the Steam Client

Just in that location comes a time when a user wants to check an sometime screenshot or needs to access the binder where the Steam client is saving the screenshots, so, how to admission the binder?

With such a bang-up platform, the process to find the screenshot is not quite piece of cake (they have their reasons). There are three methods to access the Steam screenshot folder:

  • Through the Steam Screenshot Manager.
  • Through the File Manager of the OS (Windows, Mac, Linux, etc.).
  • By Setting Upwards a Customized Screenshot Folder.

Through the Screenshot Director of the Steam Client

The easiest method to discover the Steam Screenshot binder is to use the Screenshot Manager of the Steam client.

  1. Launch the Steam customer and expand the View menu.
    Open up Screenshots in the Steam Client
  2. Then open Screenshots and in the Bear witness dropdown menu, select the game whose screenshot you want to run across.
  3. Then select a Screenshot in the screenshots panel and click on Show on Deejay.
    Prove the Screenshot on the Deejay
  4. This will launch the OS's File Manager (similar Windows File Explorer) showing the screenshot directory of that particular game. Keep in mind the parent directory for the screenshots is the same just the sub-directory will exist unlike for each game.
    Screenshot Binder of a Particular Game is Launched in the File Explorer
  5. Now you lot can notice the path of the screenshot folder and create a shortcut of information technology to admission information technology in the future.

If a user wants to view his screenshots online, he may select the screenshot in the Screenshots Manager and click on View Online Library.

View the Game's Screenshot in the Online Library

Utilise the File Manager of the Bone

There tin be times when launching the Steam client and going through all the update routines merely to find a screenshot is not ideal. Here, a user may want to use the File Manager of the OS to find the folder but that process is not so simple (although using the OS's search functionality to search for images can also be used).

For Windows Users

In Case of a Single Steam Account is Used in the Steam Customer

If a single Steam account is used, then the procedure to notice the Steam Screenshot folder is a bit simpler.


Do not rename or delete a folder in these directories, otherwise, you may detect issues in taking screenshots of the games or launching the Steam client.

  1. Correct-click on the Steam shortcut (on desktop or in the Showtime menu of Windows) and select Open File Location. This volition open the installation directory, usually, the post-obit:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam
    Open the File Location of the Steam Client
  2. Now double-click on the userdata binder and open the folder with numbers equally a proper noun (these numbers are a user's Steam ID). In case a single Steam account is used in the Steam client, then there volition be merely one folder. In case, multiple Steam accounts are used in the Steam client, and then there tin be other folders with numbers likewise. In that instance, a user may open the folder with numbers 1 by i to notice out the Screenshots folder of the user or endeavor the Steam ID method (as discussed later on).
    Open up the userdata Folder in the Steam Installation Directory
  3. Once the binder with numbers as a proper name is opened, double-click on the 760 folder and after, open the Remote directory.
    Open the Screenshots Binder in the Steam Directory
  4. Now a lot of folders with different numbers may exist shown (if a lot of games are installed in Steam). These numbers are the AppIDs of the Steam game. Each Steam game has a unique AppID and you tin can find the AppID of the Steam game or open up all folders one past ane to search for the particular game's contents.
  5. Once the particular game folder is opened, double-click on the ScreenShots folder to open up the particular game'southward screenshots. The complete screenshots path can be equally nether:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\<SteamID>\760\remote\<AppIDofGame>\screenshots

Notice the Steam ID in Instance of Multiple Steam Accounts

If multiple Steam accounts are used in the Steam client, then a user may go dislocated at footstep ii of the above method. In this instance, finding the Steam ID of a particular account would be a improve pick.

  1. Launch the Steam client and expand the View menu.
  2. Now select Settings and in the Settings window, caput to the Interface tab.
  3. Then, in the correct pane, checkmark the option of Display Steam URL Address When Available and click on OK to apply the changes.
    Enable Display Steam URL Accost When Available
  4. Now click on the username in the top correct of the Steam customer and select View My Contour.
  5. Then, on the top, a URL volition be shown and the last numeric digits are a user'southward Steam ID. A user can also check his Steam ID on Steam's website.
    Open View My Profile in the Steam Client
  6. Now open the userdata folder in the installation directory of Steam and double-click on the folder which matches your Steam ID.
    SteamID in the User profile URL of the Steam Client
  7. And then open up the 760 folder and double-click on Remote.
  8. Now open up the folder of the particular game (as discussed in step 4 in the above method) and double-click on the Screenshots folder.
  9. So you lot can create a shortcut of the Screenshots binder if you take to access information technology frequently.

For Mac Users

The default installation directory of Steam on a Mac is as follows:

Users/{MacUserName}/Library/Awarding Back up/Steam

Now a user may follow the steps discussed in the previous method to find the screenshots of a item game. If the installation path is different, right-click on Steam, select Get Info, and notation the path of the installation under "Where".

For Linux Users

The default installation directory of Steam on a Linux distro (similar Ubuntu) is as follows:


Then a user may open the screenshots folder of a particular game by finding the game'due south AppID (every bit discussed earlier).

Employ the In-Game Tab to Setup the Customized Screenshots Folder

There can be times where a user may want to prepare a customized screenshots folder e.thousand., to share on the local network or add to a cloud service and a user may reach the same by using the In-Game tab of the Steam client.

  1. Launch the Steam client and expand View.
  2. At present select Settings and in the left pane of the window, head to the In-Game tab.
    Open the Screenshot Folder in the In-Game Tab of the Steam Client'southward Settings
  3. Then, in the right pane, click on Screenshot Binder (nether Screenshot Shortcut Keys) and select the directory where y'all want to put your screenshots.
    Open the Screenshot Folder in the In-Game Tab of the Steam Client'due south Settings

Keep in mind the screenshots will be saved on both locations i.e., in the installation directory of Steam (in the JPG format) and customized path (in PNG format, uncompressed version is preferred). In case a user just wants to set up merely one binder of his choice, then he should delete the Remote folder in the post-obit location of Steam'due south installation directory:

C:\ Program Files (x86) \ Steam \ userdata \AccountID\760

So execute the following in the elevated Command Prompt (make certain to replace the <SteamID> with the actual number):

mklink /D "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\<SteamD>\760\remote" "D:\newfolder"

If y'all desire to further customize the screenshotting procedure, then either a user may employ the OS's screenshotting feature or try a 3rd party app.

Photo of Kevin Arrows

Kevin is a dynamic and cocky-motivated it professional, with a Thorough cognition of all facets pertaining to network infrastructure design, implementation and administration. Superior record of delivering simultaneous large-scale mission critical projects on time and under budget.


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