
How Much to Fumigate a House for Fleas

If your house has experienced a flea infestation, people will often get bidden.

They are common in UK homes, but households with pets are even more at risk. This is because fleas are typically carried by hairy animals like dogs or cats.

If they are left untreated, flea saliva can cause your pets to develop allergies. Therefore, it's best not to waste any time and get your flea infestation sorted right away.

This article will cover the costs you can expect to pay to exterminate fleas and other factors that can affect the cost.

Average Cost of Flea Extermination

We contacted 18 pest control contractors for quotes on removing fleas in a home. Typically 2 visits will be required 1-2 weeks apart. Prices below exclude VAT.

Flea Exterminator Cost
Average £100
Typical Range £70 - £150

Generally, a good rule of thumb is £15 per room.

Most companies offer a callout free of charge, but some may charge to cover themselves. This can be in the region of £40 – £50 including VAT if a company does require a fee.

Factors that Affect the Cost of a Flea Exterminator

How Long Have You had the Problem?

The longer you've had fleas within your home, the worse the infestation could be. This will mean more treatments and visits are required, which a professional will charge for.

Type of Treatment

The two most popular and recognised eradication techniques to remove fleas are chemical spray/fumigation and heat treatment.

Fumigation treatments involve the use of chemical spray that allows the pest control contractor to treat larger areas at once.

Heat treatment involves heating infected areas to high enough stages to kill every stage of the pest.

Heat treatment is typically quicker and is often done in one day. They also kill the eggs, whereas fumigation requires the eggs to hatch and then kills them.

The problem with heat treatment is that some no one knows for sure where the eggs could be. For example, if the eggs are under the floorboards or behind skirting boards, they may be missed. A second visit ensures no areas have been missed and allows them to check no eggs have hatched since and the flea infestation occurs again.

A pest control specialist will be able to advise which is more appropriate for your infestation. Sometimes a contractor will use both together anyway to be extra sure all infestation is eradicated.

Size of Property

As mentioned previously, a good rule of thumb is £15 per room. Some contractors have fixed prices but if they price their work depending on the number of rooms that need treatment, then you may end up paying more if the infestation is widespread.


Labour costs in London and the south of England are generally more expensive than elsewhere.

If the contractor needs to travel beyond a certain radius that they serve, then they may charge an extra call out fee on top. If you live in a more rural location, then this might need to be factored in.

Prior Preparation Required

With a flea extermination service, it's essential to take steps prior to treatment to ensure the most successful treatment. This will include:

  1. Be prepared to leave your home for a few hours during treatment
  2. Wash all pet toys and bedding
  3. Pick up all toys and scattered items
  4. Thoroughly vacuum all carpets rugs, furniture, cushions and all types of flooring
  5. Have pets treated

Get Prices on a Flea Exterminator Near You

We've done our best to give you a good idea of what you can expect to pay to exterminate fleas.

However, our guides are not a substitute for a fixed written quote specifically for you.

We work with all the best pest control contractors ready to price your job. Get free, no-obligation quotes in your local area and compare prices using the form below.

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How Much to Fumigate a House for Fleas


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